Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Fiji Day 2 - Fijian Time

After our breakfast this morning - we started toward the village of Nakavu.  En route, our day guides, Jonah and Ase, told us about the history of Fiji and about the government and the of the chief or "Ratu" in each village.  Ratus are not elected - it is a birthrite, much like a monarchy; however, each village has an elected official - that can make "suggestions" to the chief, but cannot make any demands.  Ratus traditionally are all men, but in the last 150 years or so, if the chief's family had no male heirs, then the first-born girl rose to be chief.  

In order to get to the village, we got to ride in longboats - which took about 30 minutes.  The scenery was spectacular.  The boys were excited today, because we learned about the Fijian tradition that men always come first and we needed a chief for our tribe - and ended up with "Ratu Caulen" - a role which he gladly accepted.  As chief - Caulen led his "tribe" into a native village and was the first to take part in the Kava ceremony, a traditional ceremony.  Before arriving - we learned all about kava and how it was prepared, by the women chewing the kava root and then mixing it in water to make a tea - that is then shared a cup at a time served in a bilo.  

After the kava we took a tour of the village and visited the primary school (grade 1-6) and also the preschool (ages 3-5).  Ratu Caulen presented the highest rank teacher our donation of school supplies.  We had the opportunity to take pictures with the older kids and the preschoolers performed for us and we got some pictures with them as well.  

Then it was back to the village meeting hall where we enjoyed lunch with some traditional Fijian foods, including Tarot root and tapioca and some local specialties of eggplant salad (which was more like fried eggplant) and also a spinach casserole.  After lunch some local men performed for us and taught us some dances.  A good time was had by all.  

From there, we were back in the long boats for a short ride further up the river to get a waterfall where we all had the opportunity to swim and jump off rocks from underneath the waterfall.  It seems like all the kids had a great time playing in the water. 

Back in the boats to the village for an afternoon tea with lemon tea and homemade donuts.  After which we had to say our goodbyes to our hosts for the day, get  back in the long boats and make our way back to Naviti for some free time and then dinner.  We are all looking forward to what tomorrow holds for us!  

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