Monday, July 11, 2016

Australia - Day ? - Surf's up!!

Today started out with a quick bus ride to Bondi Beach where we were met by our surf instructors.  We quickly changed into wet suits, split into 2 groups, grabbed our surf boards and began our lessons.

On land, we learned how to get on the surf board and then how to get up, as well as how to fall gracefully without hurting ourselves in the process.  Then it was into the ocean for some surfing (I use the term loosely) fun.  All the kids seemed to have a blast and enjoyed their time learning.  Our instructors were awesome working with the kids and very positive, cheering us on.

Lunch was at the Bondi Surf Club where we looked at pictures that they took of us during the day and also learned about the Surf Club's history - including the fact that prior to 1905, swimming was only to be done at night and only by men.  Then it changed to daytime swimming, but had to have bathing suits that went from shoulder to knees and then finally to co-ed swimming/surfing like today.  They explained that most of the life-savers (lifeguards) are volunteers of local surf clubs and that you have to be at least 16.  They learned about some safety tips when swimming in the ocean, including how to go with a riptide until it releases you - and not to panic.

From there, we headed over to the Sydney Opera House for a guided tour and learned about the history of it, how it was built, and some of the back story of the in-fighting between the Aussie engineers and the Danish architect.  Right before entering the Concert Hall, our tour guide went it to see if it was okay for us to enter and we could hear someone rehearsing for an upcoming performance.

Once leaving the Opera House, we headed to Altmann and Cherney Opals where we learned about the different types of opals and what regions they come from, as well as how they are mined and the way they are traded.  We also were able to see the largest opal in the world!

Dinner was down on Darling Harbor where most of the kids tried kangaroo steaks, which most said it tasted like regular steak.

Back at the hotel now getting ready for an early morning into the Blue Mountains tomorrow.

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